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The SSPEED Center hosts conferences, workshops and notable meetings to present our research and connect with our key stakeholders and the general public. If you are interested in our events, presentations, book releases or other engagements, subscribe to our email list.

On October 12th and 13th, SSPEED hosted its 11th Conference, where top experts from around the globe presented on a number of topics with Q&A and panel discussions. In addition, attendees had a chance to see a demonstration of temporary flooding solutions by Dutch Water Prevention. This two-day event was held at Rice University. Conference in the news

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On March 7th, SSPEED, in collaboration with the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas (IDRT), Delft University of Technology (DUT) of the Netherlands, and NBSO Texas presenthosted Temporary Flood Defense Solutions Demonstration Event at Rice University. This event showcased several flood protection solutions developed by the Dutch company, Boxbarrier, and Hydra International, combining 14 years of proven concepts in temporary flood defense systems. 

Local and international hydrology experts, including SSPEED Director and Rice Professor Phil Bedient, NBSO chief representative Dr. Bee Kothuis, and Professor Bas Jonkman of Delft University and IDRT will presented and discussed advances in flood management and demonstrate solutions. View Agenda.

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HEC-RAS 2D Workshop 
February 1, 2023

More than 150 attendees gathered for the SSPEED Center's 10th Conference, "Post-Harvey Climate and Flood Impacts on the Built Environment "at the Rice Glasscock School of Continuing Studies. Over the two-day conference, over 30 top academic, consulting and governmental experts presented on a wide variety of topics, including Urban Design & Policy for Flood Protection, Climate Change and Recent Storms, Impact of the Big Freeze and Energy Systems, COVID in the Environment, and Institute for Disaster Resilient Texas. We have heard a lot of good feedback on the success of the conference and we look forward to regathering in the fall of 2023. Click here to view the 2022 Agenda.

© 2025 SSPEED Center at Rice

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